Isimo Media


Revenue Generated


Clients Satisfied


Total Ad Spend


Our Services

Paid Advertising

At Isimo Media, we specifically only offer online paid advertising. With this one service we are able to stay solely focused on the task of helping your business.

That’s It

We want to specialize in one aspect at a time to guarantee that the service we provide brings you direct and entrusted results. We don’t offer web design, Email marketing, or Social media growth.

Why Choose Us?

At Isimo Media, we have a strict expertise within our digital marketing services. What we do here is very simple, and that is to run paid advertisements and nothing else. Our sector provides a very low-risk margin with high ROIs. Isimo Media has a strong purpose and that is to directly stimulate revenue amongst all our clients.

Contact Us

For further information or any inquiries, send us an email at

About the Team

“As a teenager in high school, he has a compelling desire to move further. He wanted to do more than just for himself, but to bring it to the people around him. That’s why young Boyraz and a select few of his close peers decided to begin their journey with Isimo Media.”
“Determination is an adjective to describe his upbringing. With parents who push him to find his own path, he’s always had this mindset. Growing up in Southern California where the digital industry is booming and the creative potential is rising, he knew he needed to seriously commit to something substantial. So he decided to co-found Isimo Media with his friends.”
“He has always had his dreams clear to him since a young age. Living just outside Los Angeles he always had an intuition to become successful. This strong passion led him to different business ventures ultimately settling on Isimo Media. Driven by his own aspirations not just to receive benefits of his own but a desire to help others.”